Tattoo Designs

40 Elegant Japanese Crane Tattoos

When you get a graceful Japanese crane tattoo, you’ll be calling down good luck upon you. Choose a Japanese style crane tattoo to bring prosperity and fortune.

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The Japanese crane is a symbol of longevity, grace, and elegance. Among the most popular Japanese tattoos, the crane is often depicted as a graceful bird that flies high above the earth with its wings outstretched.

Paired with the Japanese octopus, Japanese tiger, and Kanji tattoos, the crane has long been a symbol of good luck in Japan, where it is believed to be able to grant wishes for peace and happiness. The crane has been used as a symbol of longevity because it lives for many years.

What does a Japanese Crane Tattoo symbolize?

The Japanese crane is a beautiful bird that is symbolic of good fortune and longevity.

In Japan, the crane is considered to be a symbol of peace, tranquility, and happiness. According to legend, the crane’s dance symbolized joy for its reunion with its mate after years apart. In Japan, the crane is also associated with good luck; it’s said that if you see one, you’ll have good fortune for seven years.

According to legend, cranes were the first beings to be created by the gods and given the power to bring good luck. In many cultures across the world, cranes are seen as symbols of longevity, peace and prosperity.

Cranes have also long been associated with rebirth and renewal—a fitting symbol for those who have lost a loved one or have experienced loss in their lives.

Best Japanese Crane Tattoos

Black and White Crane with Red Sun

Japanese Crane Tattoo on Entire Back

Japanese Crane with Red Flowers

Black and White Japanese Crane on Biceps

A Big Japanese Crane Tattoo on the Left Side of Body

Black Japanese Crane Tattoo on Arm

Colorful and Black & White Japanese Cranes Made on Other Tattoos

A Beautiful Japanese Crane Tattoo Under Elbow

Japanese Crane on the Red Sun Looking Beautiful

Big Japanese Crane Tattoo on Entire Leg

Japanese Crane Tattoo on the Sleeve

Colorful Japanese Crane Tattoo Looking Beautiful

Japanese Crane on Red Sun Looking Attractive

Black Japanese Crane Tattoo on Entire Back

Japanese Crane Flying in Clouds on Red Sun

Innocent Looking Japanese Crane Colorful Tattoo

Black and White Japanese Crane Tattoo on Arm

Black and White Japanese Crane Tattoo on Arm

Colorful Japanese Crane Tattoo on Right Half of Body

Small Japanese Crane Tattoo on Chest

Beautiful Japanese Crane Tattoo on Girl’s Back

Japanese Crane Walking in Water Tattoo

Black Japanese Crane Tattoo Near Shoulder

Flying Japanese Crane Tattoo

Big Japanese Crane on Sleeve

Different Views of Japanese Crane Tattoo on Arm

Japanese Crane Tattoo on Both Legs

Beautiful Japanese Crane Art Tattoo

Big Black and White Japanese Crane Tattoo on Back

Japanese Crane Tattoo with a Sword

Flying Japanese Crane with Red Sun

Black and White Japanese Crane Big Tattoo on Sleeve

Black and White Japanese Crane with Flowers

Flying Japanese Crane Touching Head to Red Sun

Japanese Crane New Tattoo on Sleeve

Lovely Japanese Crane Tattoo on Shoulder

Black and White Japanese Crane Tattoo on Thigh

Happy Japanese Crane Flying in Front of Red Sun

Japanese Crane Tattoo on Girl’s Shoulder

Two Japanese Cranes (Love Birds Style) Tattoo

Take Luck and Prosperity with You

A Japanese crane tattoo is a symbol of good luck and longevity, as well as peace and prosperity.

The crane’s significance in Japan dates back to the Nara period (710-794), when it was known as the “bird of good omen.” The bird was thought to be able to travel between heaven and earth, making it an ideal messenger between humans and gods. The Japanese believed that since cranes fly so high in the sky, they were closer to heaven than other animals on earth.

In addition to its role as a messenger between living creatures, the crane is also associated with longevity because of its long lifespan. In fact, some species of cranes can live up to 70 years old! The Japanese have been captivated by these beautiful birds for thousands of years—and their fascination has certainly paid off: today there are more than 15 Japanese crane sanctuaries across Japan where you can see them in their natural habitat!

What is a Japanese Crane called?

The Japanese crane is called “tsuru” in Japanese.

The Japanese language name for the bird is “tsuru,” which is also used as an adjective to describe things that are beautiful or graceful.

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